The Coelacanth pictured here was another
proven not to be extinct Crypt. |
In conclusion, the sea monster Ayia Napa is a monster that inhabits the seas around Ayia Napa, Cyprus. Due to the mixed descriptions ranging from the outrageous Scylla to a sea serpent; which makes it really hard to believe if the creature really exist at all. I really enjoyed this project for two reasons, one was the fact that cryptozoology is pretty fun to learn about. That there are plenty of crypts that was once thought to be completely myth, but has been proven to exist today like the giant squid and the silverback gorilla. The other factor was just the simple fact that it was my first ever experience with creating a blog, but unfortunately my computer did not approve of the site. In the finality of this blog I did not find any evidence that would make me 100% believe it is real. I would have to see it in person to really believe it to exist but it is always a good idea to keep an open mind about these kinds of things
Image of ICM.2011.cryptomundo.com.22 April 2011 <http://www.cryptomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/germanlogo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/cz-logos/&usg=__26twVlG0SviMs9SYOtDziyMvZls=&h=148&w=150&sz=12&hl=en&start=2&zoom=0&itbs=1&tbnid=uYT8amCzArsm5M:&tbnh=95&tbnw=96&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dofficial%2Bcryptozoology%2Bsymbol%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3D5Mi%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26tbm%3Disch&ei=1-KxTdGUKYuN0QHcn4SoCQ>
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